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3 Translation results for suspect in Spanish

noun | verb | adjective

suspect noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
sospechoso, -sa

Example sentences of
suspect noun

  • One suspect has been arrested.
  • She is a possible suspect in connection with the kidnapping.
  • The prime suspect for the food poisoning is the potato salad.

suspect verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
suspected, has suspected, is suspecting, suspects
dudar de; sospechar (algo), sospechar de (una persona); imaginarse, creer

Example sentences of
suspect verb

  • He's suspected in four burglaries.
  • The police do not suspect murder in this case.
  • The fire chief suspects arson.
  • I suspect it will rain.
  • Call the doctor immediately if you suspect you've been infected.
  • The latest research confirms what scientists have long suspected.
  • I suspect she's not who she says she is.
  • “We haven't done our homework.” “I suspected as much.”
  • I suspected his motives in giving me the money.
  • I have reason to suspect her sincerity when she makes promises like that.

Detailed synonyms for suspect verb

See: Conjecture

suspect adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
sospechoso, dudoso, cuestionable

Example sentences of
suspect adjective

  • The room had a suspect odor.
  • since she was carrying no cash or credit cards, her claim to the store's detectives that she had intended to pay for the items was suspect
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Reverse translation for suspect

sospechoso  - suspect 
sospechar  (algo) - to suspect, to be suspicious 
sospechar de  (una persona)
imaginarse  - to suppose, to imagine, to picture 
creer  - to believe, to suppose, to think 
sospechoso  - suspicious, suspect 
dudoso  - doubtful, (slang) iffy, dubious, questionable 
cuestionable  - questionable, dubious