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6 Translation results for total in Spanish

verb | noun | adjective | adjetivo | sustantivo | adverbio

total verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
totalled, has totalled, is totalling, totals
destrozar, perder por daños totales; ascender a, llegar a
word of the day image
This car is totaled.

Example sentences of
total verb

  • He carefully totaled the bill.
  • two and two total four

Synonyms of
total verb

total noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
total noun

  • a total of 25 square miles
  • that's the total for our wheat harvest this year

Detailed synonyms for total noun

See: Sum

total adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
total, completo, absoluto

Example sentences of
total adjective

  • He demanded total control of the project.
  • The country has a total population of about 100 million.
  • What was the total amount of the bill?
  • a total lack of support
  • the total number of words
  • a total eclipse of the sun

Synonyms of
total adjective

Detailed synonyms for total adjective

See: Whole

total adjetivo

total, complete

total sustantivo

total, whole

total adverbio

in the end, so
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Phrasal verbs for total

Related phrases for total

Reverse translation for total

destrozar  - to smash, to shatter, to destroy, to wreck 
total  - total, whole 
total  - total, complete 
completo  - complete, perfect, absolute, full, detailed 
absoluto  - absolute, unconditional