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1 Translation result for adventurous in Spanish


adventurous adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
intrépido, aventurero; arriesgado, aventurado

Example sentences of
adventurous adjective

  • The island attracts adventurous travelers.
  • He is an adventurous cook who is always trying new recipes.
  • Her design is an adventurous departure from what we usually see.
  • They have an adventurous lifestyle.

Detailed synonyms for adventurous adjective

Adventurous, venturesome, daring, daredevil, rash, reckless, foolhardy, brash, audacious significan exponerse al peligro en un grado mayor a lo que el buen sentido sugeriría.
  • Adventurous da a a entender una disposición a aceptar riesgos pero sin ser necesariamente imprudente <adventurous pioneers>.
    antonyms: unadventurous, cautious
  • Venturesome connota un animoso entusiasmo para las labores peligrosas <the most venturesome of the boys had almost drowned>.
  • Daring realza la indicación de intrepidez o audacia en la búsqueda del peligro <a daring mountain climber>.
  • Daredevil subraya la ostentación en el desafío <a show put on by daredevil motorcyclists>.
  • Rash connota imprudencia, prisa y falta de reflexión previa <a rash decision that you'll regret later>.
    antonyms: calculating, cautious
  • Reckless indica una actitud irresponsable hacia las consecuencias probables <a reckless driver>.
    antonyms: calculating, cautious, careful
  • Foolhardy connota una irresponsabilidad que no concuerda con el buen sentido <only a foolhardy sailor would take his boat out in such a storm>.
    antonyms: wary
  • Brash frecuentemente connota descuido juvenil <he's brash but not actually rude>.
  • Audacious implica intrépidamente atrevido y precipitadamente arriesgado <her most audacious film so far>.
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Reverse translation for adventurous

intrépido  - intrepid, fearless 
aventurero  - adventurous 
arriesgado  - risky, bold, daring 
aventurado  - hazardous, risky