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merriam webster

1 Translation result for aligned in Spanish


align verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
aligned, has aligned, is aligning, aligns
word of the day image
Rows of soybeans, perfectly aligned

Example sentences of
align verb

  • He aligned the two holes so he could put the screw through them.
  • The two parts of the machine are not properly aligned.
  • The text aligns with the bottom of the picture.
  • The schools had to align their programs with state requirements.
  • She is aligning with other senators to oppose his nomination.

Synonyms of
align verb

¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta la pronunciación. La g no se pronuncia y la i se pronuncia /ai/. Align se pronuncia exactamente como la frase ″a line″.

Detailed synonyms for align verb

See: Line up
Remember this?
line up
ponerse in fila
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Reverse translation for aligned

alinear  - to align, to line up