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merriam webster

1 Translation result for allowances in Spanish


allowance noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
complemento (para gastos, etc.), mesada (para niños), paga (para niños)

Example sentences of
allowance noun

  • They receive a monthly allowance for household expenses.
  • Each of their children gets a weekly allowance of five dollars.
  • What is the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C?
  • They performed poorly, but allowances should be made for their inexperience.

Synonyms of
allowance noun

Detailed synonyms for allowance noun

See: Ration

Reverse translation for allowances

complemento  (para gastos, etc.) - complement, supplement, supplementary pay, allowance 
mesada  (para niños) - allowance, pocket money 
paga  (para niños) - payment, pay, wages 
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