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1 Translation result for approving in Spanish


approve verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
approved, has approved, is approving, approves
aprobar, sancionar, darle el visto bueno a

Example sentences of
approve verb

  • Your supervisor must approve the report before it can be sent.
  • The state has approved the building plans, so work on the new school can begin immediately.
  • I don't care if all the other parents are letting their kids do it; I still don't approve.
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  • El antónimo de approve es disapprove.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Si tu approve something significa que confirmas o estás de acuerdo oficialmente. Por ejemplo: The government approved the new policy. Otro ejemplo: My boss approved the deal we have reached, so we can start working together.
    Si tu approve of something significa que crees que es bueno o beneficial. Por ejemplo: My mother doesn't approve of my lifestyle.

Detailed synonyms for approve verb

Approve, endorse, sanction, accredit, certify, ratify, authorize significan tener o expresar una opinión favorable de alguien o algo.
  • Approve indica elogio o conformidad y puede señalar una actitud sensata <his boss approved the contract>.
    antonyms: disapprove
  • Endorse connota una declaración explícita de apoyo <publicly endorsed her for Senator>.
  • Sanction indica tanto aprobación como autorización y puede connotar un establecimiento de pautas o criterios <the president had sanctioned these secret military operations>.
  • Accredit y certify normalmente indican aprobación oficial que afirman la conformidad con criterios establecidos <a new law school that had recently been accredited> <you must be certified before you can begin teaching>.
  • Ratify implica aprobar formalmente <ratified the treaty>.
  • Authorize implica la otorgación de poder o permiso para actuar a alguien o a algo <authorized him to use my name>.
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Reverse translation for approving

aprobar  - to pass (in school), to approve of, to pass (a law, an exam), to okay 
sancionar  - to penalize, to impose a sanction on, to sanction, to approve