Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for atropellada in English

adjetivo | verbo

atropellado adjetivo

rash, hasty; brusque, abrupt

atropellar verbo

to knock down, to run over; to violate, to abuse

Reverse translation for atropellada

rash  - imprudente, precipitado 
hasty  - rápido, apresurado, apurado, precipitado 
brusque  - brusco 
abrupt  - abrupto, repentino, subito, brusco, cortante 
to knock down  - derribar, echar al suelo 
to run over  - atropellar, rebosar 
to violate  - infringir, violar, quebrantar, profanar 
to abuse  - abusar de, maltratar, insultar, injuriar, denostar 
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