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3 Translation results for bad in Spanish

adjective | adverb | noun

bad adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
malo; podrido; grave; defectuoso; perjudicial; corrompido; travieso

Example sentences of
bad adjective

  • The house is in bad condition.
  • She got a letter written in bad French.
  • He had a bad day at the office.
  • I was having a bad dream.
  • She made a very bad impression on her future colleagues.
  • We've been having bad weather lately.
  • The medicine left a bad taste in his mouth.
  • It's a bad time for business right now.
  • Things are looking pretty bad for us at this point.
  • I have a bad feeling about this.

Detailed synonyms for bad adjective

Bad, evil, ill, wicked, naughty, sinful, wrong significan no ser moralmente bueno o éticamente aceptable.
  • Bad puede aplicarse a todo lo que es considerado censurable o reprensible, en cualquier grado o especie <the bad guys in a Western>.
    antonyms: good
  • Evil es un término más fuerte que bad y suele conllevar una connotación siniestra o funesta <he seemed to think that everyone he didn't like was evil>.
    antonyms: saintly
  • Ill puede indicar malevolencia o vicio <paid for his ill deeds>.
    antonyms: good
  • Wicked suele connotar malicia y malevolencia <a wicked villain in a children's story>.
  • Naughty se aplica ya sea a fechorías insignificantes, a malos modales o a algo frívolamente atrevido <looked up naughty words in the dictionary>.
  • Sinful implica la violación de una ley religiosa o moral <the nuns warned the children against sinful acts>.
  • Wrong implica que no es correcto o apropiado según un código o estándar <it was wrong not to thank your host>.

bad adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
bad adverb

  • He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.
  • you didn't do too bad on the treadmill test

bad noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lo malo

Example sentences of
bad noun

  • There's more good than bad in him.
  • We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad.
  • teaching children the difference between the good and the bad
  • He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.
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Related phrases for bad

Reverse translation for bad

malo  - bad, wicked, naughty, cheap, poor (quality), harmful, unwell 
podrido  - rotten, decayed, corrupt 
grave  - grave, important, serious, somber, serious (of an illness) 
defectuoso  - defective, faulty 
perjudicial  - harmful, detrimental 
corrompido  - corrupt, rotten 
travieso  - mischievous, naughty 
mal  - badly, poorly, wrong, incorrectly, with difficulty, hardly