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5 Translation results for better in Spanish

adverb | adjective | verb | noun | adjective

better adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
mejor; más

Example sentences of
better adverb

  • “How is she doing in school?” “She did badly at first, but now she's doing much better.”
  • She sings better than I do.
  • He sings better than he acts.
  • “Instead of writing to her, I'm going to visit her in person.” “Even better.”
  • He knows the story much better than you do.
  • Her paintings have become better known in recent years.
  • There's nothing I'd like better than to see you again.
  • "How is she doing in school?" "She did badly at first, but now she's doing much better."
  • "Instead of writing to her, I'm going to visit her in person." "Even better."

Synonyms of
better adverb

better adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
mejor; mayor

Example sentences of
better adjective

  • Her second book is better than her first one.
  • This one is no better than that one.
  • She's a better golfer than I am.
  • He's a better singer than he is an actor.
  • He's much better with children now that he's a father himself.
  • The weather is better today than it was yesterday.
  • They came up with a better solution to the problem.
  • Don't you have something better to do than to watch TV all day?
  • Her work wasn't that good at first, but it's getting better.
  • Her work just keeps getting better and better.

better verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bettered, has bettered, is bettering, betters
mejorar; superar

Example sentences of
better verb

  • They are trying to better the lives of working people.
  • He looked forward to bettering his acquaintance with the new neighbors.
  • The team has bettered its chances of winning the championship.
  • She bettered her previous performance.
  • He set a record that has never been equaled or bettered.

Detailed synonyms for better verb

See: Improve

better noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
el mejor, la mejor

Example sentences of
better noun

  • They shouldn't treat him that way. He deserves better.
  • be polite to your betters and to your inferiors in equal measure

good adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
bueno, agradable; beneficioso; completo, entero; bastante; bien; amable; hábil; sensato; buen

Example sentences of
good adjective

  • The car is in good condition.
  • You'll need better tools for this job.
  • There are some good restaurants in this neighborhood.
  • I'm afraid your work is just not good enough.
  • Keep up the good work.
  • “Would you hire her again?” “Yes, I would. She does good work.”
  • The food was good but not great.
  • He has done good but not outstanding work.
  • Did you have a good time at the party?
  • We're expecting good weather for the weekend.
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Related phrases for better

Reverse translation for better

mejor  - better, best, rather, it's better that… 
más  - more, most, longer, rather 
mejor  - better, better, best, the better, best, the better, preferable, better 
mayor  - bigger, larger, greater, elder, older, biggest, largest, greatest, eldest, oldest, grown-up, mature, main, major 
mejorar  - to improve, to get better, to improve, to make better 
superar  - to surpass, to exceed, to overcome, to surmount 
bueno  - good, nice, kind, proper, appropriate, well, healthy, considerable, goodly 
agradable  - pleasant, agreeable 
beneficioso  - beneficial 
completo  - complete, perfect, absolute, full, detailed 
entero  - entire, whole, complete, absolute, intact 
bien  - well, OK, all right, pleasant, agreeable, satisfactory, correct, right 
amable  - kind, nice, benign 
hábil  - able, skillful, working 
sensato  - sensible, sound