In collaboration with Merriam-Webster,
the most prestigious dictionary of American English
1 Translation result for betting in Spanish
bet, has bet, is betting, bets
Example sentences of
•He bet 5 dollars on the game.
•I'll bet that he makes the next shot.
•He always bets that the favorite will win.
•He lost a lot of money by betting on college football and basketball.
•I bet against the favorite and I lost.
More examples
•I wouldn't bet against her. She's very likely to win this race.
•Carmakers are betting that people will want to buy larger, more expensive cars this year.
¿Sabías esto?
Cuando alguien dice I bet it's going to rain tomorrow, eso significa que están seguros que lloverá mañana. Decir you bet it's going to rain tomorrow es como decir (de manera informal) 'Te digo con certeza que lloverá mañana'.