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2 Translation results for biased in Spanish

adjective | verb

biased adjective

unfavorite favorite
tendencioso, parcial

Example sentences of
biased adjective

  • She is too biased to write about the case objectively.
  • He is biased against women.
  • The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.

bias verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
biased, has biased, is biasing, biases
predisponer, sesgar, influir en

Example sentences of
bias verb

  • I don't want to bias you against the movie, but I thought the book was much better.
  • The circumstances could bias the results of the survey.

Synonyms of
bias verb

Detailed synonyms for bias verb

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Reverse translation for biased

tendencioso  - tendentious, biased 
parcial  - partial 
predisponer  - to predispose, to incline, to prejudice, to bias 
sesgar  - to cut on the bias, to tilt, to bias, to slant