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1 Translation result for bits in Spanish


bit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pedazo, trozo; freno, bocado (de una brida); broca (de un taladro); bit (de información)

Example sentences of
bit noun

  • Put all the broken bits back together.
  • He ate only a couple of tiny little bits of bread and cheese and drank a drop or two of wine.
  • There were broken bits of glass all over the floor.

Detailed synonyms for bit noun

See: Particle

Reverse translation for bits

pedazo  - piece, bit, chunk 
trozo  - piece, bit, chunk, passage, extract 
freno  - brake, bit (of a bridle), check, restraint 
bocado  (de una brida) - bite, mouthful, bit (of a bridle) 
broca  (de un taladro) - drill bit 
bit  (de información) - bit (unit of information) 
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