Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for blades in Spanish


blade noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
hoja (de un cuchillo), cuchilla (de un patín), pala (de un remo o una hélice), brizna (de hierba)

Example sentences of
blade noun

  • This is the blade of an ax.
  • They dueled with blades rather than guns.

Reverse translation for blades

hoja  (de un cuchillo) - leaf, petal, blade (of grass), sheet (of paper), page (of a book), form, blade (of a knife) 
cuchilla  (de un patín) - kitchen knife, cleaver, blade, crest, ridge 
pala  (de un remo o una hélice) - shovel, spade, blade (of an oar or a rotor), paddle, racket 
brizna  (de hierba) - strand, thread, blade (of grass) 
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