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2 Translation results for board in Spanish

verb | noun

board verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
boarded, has boarded, is boarding, boards
embarcarse en, subir a bordo de (una nave o un avión), subir a (un tren o carro); hospedar, dar hospedaje con comidas a
word of the day image
Boarding a bus

Example sentences of
board verb

  • You must have a ticket in order to board the train.
  • The pirates tried to board the ship, but we fought them off.
  • We're supposed to board at 10:15.
  • We're now boarding all passengers.
  • The flight is about to begin boarding.
  • Passengers should remain in the boarding area.
  • The caretaker boarded the window.
  • They board guests during the summer season.
  • Many students board at the college.

Synonyms of
board verb

Detailed synonyms for board verb

See: Harbor

board noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tabla, tablón; tablero; comida; junta, consejo

Example sentences of
board noun

  • They nailed some boards over the broken window.
  • They covered the board in fabric and pinned some photographs to it.
  • This is the board that is used to play games like chess and checkers.
  • I saw a notice on the board calling for volunteers.
  • Write the answers on the board.
  • She is on the town's planning board.
  • The parole board has decided that the prisoner is not yet ready for release.

Synonyms of
board noun

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paisaje lunar
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Phrasal verbs for board

Related phrases for board

Reverse translation for board

subir a bordo de  (una nave o un avión)
subir a  (un tren o carro)
hospedar  - to provide with lodging, to put up 
tabla  - table, list, board, plank, slab, plot, strip (of land) 
tablón  - plank, beam 
tablero  - bulletin board, board (in games), blackboard, switchboard 
comida  - food, meal, dinner 
junta  - board, committee, meeting, session, junta, joint, gasket 
consejo  - advice, counsel, council