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1 Translation result for boasted in Spanish


boast verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
boasted, has boasted, is boasting, boasts
alardear, presumir, jactarse

Example sentences of
boast verb

  • He is constantly boasting and bragging.

Synonyms of
boast verb

Detailed synonyms for boast verb

Boast, brag, crow significan expresar verbalmente orgullo en sí mismo o en los logros de uno.
  • Boast suele connotar ostentación y exageración <always boasting about the important people he knew>, pero puede indicar orgullo apropiado y justificable <the town boasts one of the best hospitals in the area>.
    antonyms: depreciate
  • Brag connota engreimiento, rudeza e ingenuidad en la glorificación de sí mismo <boys bragging about their computers>.
    antonyms: apologize
  • Crow suele indicar el jactarse triunfantemente o un fanfarroneo descarado <loved to crow about his triumphs>.

Reverse translation for boasted

alardear  - to boast, to brag, to gloat 
presumir  - to boast, to show off, to gloat, to presume, to suppose 
jactarse  - to boast, to brag 
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