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1 Translation result for booming in Spanish


boom verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
boomed, has boomed, is booming, booms
tronar, resonar; estar en auge, prosperar

Example sentences of
boom verb

  • the sound of the bass drum booming
  • His voice boomed out across the congregation.
  • She boomed commands from the stern of the ship.
  • “What's going on here?” he boomed.
  • Housing construction has boomed in the past year.
  • Last year we almost had to close the store, but now business is booming.
  • "What's going on here?" he boomed.

Synonyms of
boom verb

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Reverse translation for booming

tronar  - to thunder, to thunder, to roar, to be furious, to rage, to shoot 
resonar  - to resound, to ring 
prosperar  - to prosper, to thrive