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3 Translation results for brood in Spanish

verb | noun | adjective

brood verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
brooded, has brooded, is brooding, broods
empollar; incubar; rumiar, reflexionar; sopesar, considerar; ponerse melancólico, inquietarse

Example sentences of
brood verb

  • He brooded over his mistake.
  • After the argument, she sat in her bedroom, brooding.

Synonyms of
brood verb

brood noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
nidada (de pájaros), camada (de mamíferos)

Example sentences of
brood noun

  • a hen and her brood of chicks
  • Mrs. Smith took her brood to church every Sunday.

brood adjective

unfavorite favorite
de cría
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Reverse translation for brood

empollar  - to incubate, to brood eggs 
incubar  - to incubate 
rumiar  - to ponder, to mull over, to chew the cud, to ruminate, to ponder 
reflexionar  - to reflect, to think 
sopesar  - to weigh, to evaluate 
considerar  - to consider, to think over, to judge, to deem, to treat with respect 
inquietarse  - to worry, to fret 
nidada  (de pájaros)
camada  (de mamíferos) - litter, brood