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2 Translation results for bulge in Spanish

noun | verb

bulge noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
bulto, protuberancia

Example sentences of
bulge noun

  • “What's in there?” he asked, pointing to the large bulge in my purse.
  • I'm exercising to get rid of this bulge around my middle.
  • "What's in there?" he asked, pointing to the large bulge in my purse.

Synonyms of
bulge noun

Detailed synonyms for bulge noun

See: Projection

bulge verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bulged, has bulged, is bulging, bulges
abultar, sobresalir

Example sentences of
bulge verb

  • His face turned white and his eyes bulged.
  • middle-aged people bulging at the waist
  • Their bags bulged with books and papers.
  • The squirrel's cheeks were bulging with nuts.
  • a notebook bulging with ideas
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Reverse translation for bulge

bulto  - package, bundle, piece of luggage, bag, size, bulk, volume, form, shape, lump (on the body), swelling, bulge 
protuberancia  - protuberance 
abultar  - to bulge, to enlarge, to expand 
sobresalir  - to protrude, to jut out, to project, to stand out, to excel