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4 Translation results for can in Spanish

verb | noun | verb | sustantivo

can verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
enlatar, envasar; despedir, echar

Example sentences of
can verb

  • She can read.

Synonyms of
can verb

can noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lata, envase, cubo

Example sentences of
can noun

  • He ate the whole can of beans.
  • The shelter stores huge cans of water for an emergency.

Synonyms of
can noun

¿Debería decir can you do me a favor o could you do me a favor?
  • Could es básicamente el tiempo pasado de can, pero también se usa para hacer un pedido educadamente. Por lo tanto, could you do me a favor? suena más educado y formal que can you do me a favor?
    Una pregunta como can you open the window? es ambigua. Puede ser un pedido (dicho en confianza) para abrir la ventana, o una pregunta sobre si la persona es capaz de abrir la ventana. La pregunta could you open the window? siempre indica un pedido.
¿Debería decir can I come in o may I come in?
  • En el contexto de pedir permiso o dar permiso, el verbo may se usa a menudo en lugar de can para hacer la pregunta o declaración más educada y formal. May I come in? suena más educado que can I come in? (Could I come in? se puede usar para sonar más educado).
    You may join us es una manera de invitar educada y más formal que you can join us.

can verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
canned, has canned, is canning, cans

Synonyms of
can verb

can sustantivo

hound, dog
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Reverse translation for can

enlatar  - to can 
envasar  - to bottle, to can, to pack in a container 
despedir  - to see off, to show out, to dismiss, to fire, to give off, to emit 
echar  - to start off, to throw, to cast, to hurl, to throw out, to expel, to emit, give off, to sprout, to put forth, to fire, to dismiss, to put in, to add 
lata  - tinplate, tin can, pest, bother, nuisance 
envase  - packaging, packing, container, can, empty bottle 
cubo  - cube, pail, bucket, can, hub (of a wheel) 
poder  - to be able to, can, to beat, to defeat, to be possible, might, may, can, may