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2 Translation results for caring in Spanish

adjective | verb

caring adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
atento, cariñoso

Detailed synonyms for caring adjective

See: Kind

care verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cared, has cared, is caring, cares
desear, querer; importarle a uno; preocuparse, inquietarse

Example sentences of
care verb

  • He doesn't care if he gets fired.
  • I care what happens to her.
  • On Valentine's Day, send her flowers to show that you care.
  • I didn't know you cared.
  • I wouldn't care to be in your shoes right now.
  • I'm going for a walk. Would you care to join me?
  • He'll show the photos to anyone who cares to see them.
  • More factors influenced her decision than she cares to admit.

Synonyms of
care verb

¿Sabías esto?
  • To care for alguien significa ayudar o proteger a la persona. Ejemplo: The doctor cares for her patients. Pero también significa amar a alguien. Ejemplo: he says he cares for me and wants to marry me.
    To care about alguien significa estar interesado en esa persona y desear que le vaya bien, pero no significa necesariamente que sea amor . Example: Please ask John, my ex-boyfriend, if he needs help. I may not love him, but I care about him.
    Decir que uno don't care for algo significa que no te gusta. Ejemplo: I don't care for this movie (no me gusta esta película).
¿Sabías esto?
  • Cuando se dice que uno couldn’t care less sobre algo, significa que no te preocupa en absoluto, que no te importa. Ejemplo: Tom says he couldn't care less if he gets fired. (A Tom no le importa si lo echan del trabajo, no le hace diferencia).
    Algunas personas dicen could care less con el mismo significado. Ejemplo: I could care less what happens (No me importa lo que ocurre).
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Reverse translation for caring

atento  - attentive, mindful, courteous 
cariñoso  - affectionate, loving 
desear  - to wish, to want, to desire 
querer  - to want, to desire, to love, to like, to be fond of, 
preocuparse  - to worry, to be concerned 
inquietarse  - to worry, to fret