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1 Translation result for challenging in Spanish


challenge verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
challenged, has challenged, is challenging, challenges
disputar, cuestionar, poner en duda; desafiar, retar; estimular, incentivar

Example sentences of
challenge verb

  • A number of doctors are challenging the study's claims.
  • The new lawsuit challenges the lower court's decision.
  • She's been challenged on her handling of the problem.
  • None of them were willing to challenge the referee on the call.
  • It's a game that will challenge a child's imagination.
  • The work doesn't challenge him anymore, and he's often bored.

Synonyms of
challenge verb

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Reverse translation for challenging

disputar  - to argue, to contend, to vie, to dispute, to question 
cuestionar  - to question 
desafiar  - to defy, to challenge 
retar  - to challenge, to defy 
estimular  - to stimulate, to encourage 
incentivar  - to encourage, to stimulate