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2 Translation results for charge in Spanish

verb | noun

charge verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
charged, has charged, is charging, charges
cargar (contra el enemigo); cargar; cobrar; encomendar, encargar; ordenar, mandar; acusar; cargar a una cuenta, comprar a crédito

Example sentences of
charge verb

  • We tried to charge the car's battery.
  • The government charged that he had not paid taxes for five years.
  • It is not clear if he violated the rules, as his critics have charged.
  • The basketball player was charged with a foul.

Detailed synonyms for charge verb

charge noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
carga (eléctrica); carga, peso; cargo, responsabilidad; acusación; costo, precio; ataque

Example sentences of
charge noun

  • There is no charge for fixing the tire.
  • He has charge of the building.
  • He set off a charge that destroyed the mountain.
  • a delivery charge for the refrigerator
  • an admission charge at the fair

Detailed synonyms for charge noun

See: Price
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seguir a un vehículo demasiado de cerca
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Related phrases for charge

Reverse translation for charge

cargar  (contra el enemigo) - to carry, to load, to load, to fill, to rest (in architecture), to charge 
cargar  - to carry, to load, to load, to fill, to rest (in architecture), to charge 
cobrar  - to charge, to be paid, to collect, to draw, to earn, to acquire, to gain, to recover, to retrieve, to cash (a check), to claim, to take (a life), to shoot (game), to bag 
encomendar  - to entrust, to commend 
encargar  - to put in charge of, to recommend, to advise, to order, to request 
ordenar  - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange, to ordain (a priest) 
mandar  - to be the boss, to be in charge, to command, to order, to send, to hurl, to throw 
acusar  - to accuse, to charge, to reveal, to betray 
carga  (eléctrica) - loading, freight, load, cargo, burden, responsibility, charge, attack, charge 
carga  - loading, freight, load, cargo, burden, responsibility, charge, attack, charge 
peso  - weight, heaviness, burden, responsibility, weight (in sports), scales, peso 
cargo  - burden, load, charge, position, office 
responsabilidad  - responsibility 
acusación  - accusation, charge 
costo  - cost, price 
precio  - price, cost, sacrifice 
ataque  - attack, assault, fit