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2 Translation results for cheat in Spanish

verb | noun

cheat verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cheated, has cheated, is cheating, cheats
defraudar, estafar, engañar; hacer trampa

Example sentences of
cheat verb

  • The players were accused of cheating.
  • I had to cheat in order to solve the puzzle.
  • The store cheats its customers through false advertising.
  • They cheated him out of a fair deal.
  • a heroin addict who has cheated death many times

Synonyms of
cheat verb

Detailed synonyms for cheat verb

Cheat, defraud, swindle, gyp, bilk, fleece, con significan obtener algo valiéndose de la deshonestidad o del engaño.
  • Cheat connota el uso del engaño o de trampas con la intención de eludir la observación <cheated on the written examination>.
  • Defraud recalca el privar a alguien de lo que es legítimamente suyo, y suele asimismo connotar las tergiversaciones deliberadas de la verdad <her own lawyer defrauded her of her inheritance>.
  • Swindle indica el defraudar a gran escala mediante la distorsión de los hechos o del abuso de confianza, primordialmente con el fin de obtener dinero <widows swindled of their savings by con artists>.
  • Gyp se usa informalmente para indicar el estafar a alguien de su dinero, generalmente de una cantidad pequeña <he gypped us out of a hundred dollars>.
  • Bilk, fleece, con connotan el engañar o estafar a una persona o una organización, frecuentemente a través de un plan bien calculado <convicted of bilking the insurance company out of a lot of money> <an unsuspecting tourist fleeced by a girl he met in a bar> <he'd been conned into investing thousands in a nonexistent company>.

cheat noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
engaño, fraude, trampa

Synonyms of
cheat noun

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Reverse translation for cheat

defraudar  - to defraud, to cheat, to disappoint 
estafar  - to swindle, to defraud 
engañar  - to trick, to deceive, to mislead, to delude, to cheat on, to be unfaithful to 
engaño  - deception, trick, fake, feint (in sports) 
fraude  - fraud 
trampa  - trap