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4 Translation results for chips in Spanish

noun | noun | verb | sustantivo

chips noun

unfavorite favorite
patatas fritas, papas fritas
word of the day image
Chips spilling out of an open bag
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre French fries y chips?
  • En inglés británico, chips es el plato que en EE.UU. se conoce como French fries. En inglés americano, chips o potato chips son tiras finas de papas fritas, conocidas en inglés británico como crisps

chip noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
astilla (de madera o vidrio), lasca (de piedra); bocado pequeño (en rodajas o rebanadas); ficha (de póker, etc.); desportilladura, mella; chip

Example sentences of
chip noun

  • The cup has a chip in it.
  • Wood chips were spread over the ground between the plants.

Synonyms of
chip noun

chip verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
chipped, has chipped, is chipping, chips
desportillar, desconchar, astillar (madera); desportillarse, desconcharse, descascararse (dícese de la pintura, etc.)

Example sentences of
chip verb

  • I bit into something hard and chipped my tooth.
  • He fell and chipped a bone in his knee.
  • The paint had chipped off.
  • He chipped away the ice from the car's windshield.
  • The sculptor chipped away bits of stone.
  • The golfer chipped the ball onto the green.
  • She chipped the soccer ball over the goalie's head.
  • He chipped a pass to his teammate.
  • The golfer chipped onto the green.

chip sustantivo

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Reverse translation for chips

astilla  (de madera o vidrio) - splinter, chip 
lasca  (de piedra) - chip, chipping 
bocado pequeño  (en rodajas o rebanadas)
ficha  (de póker, etc.) - index card, file, record, token, domino, checker, counter, poker chip 
desportilladura  - chip, nick 
mella  - dent, nick 
chip  - chip 
desportillar  - to chip 
desconchar  - to chip 
astillar  (madera) - to splinter 
desconcharse  - to chip off, to peel 
descascararse  (dícese de la pintura, etc.) - to peel off, to chip