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1 Translation result for circumvents in Spanish


circumvent verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
circumvented, has circumvented, is circumventing, circumvents
evadir, burlar (una ley o regla), sortear (una responsabilidad o dificultad)

Example sentences of
circumvent verb

  • We circumvented the problem by using a different program.
  • He found a way to circumvent the law.

Synonyms of
circumvent verb

Detailed synonyms for circumvent verb

See: Frustrate

Reverse translation for circumvents

evadir  - to evade, to avoid 
burlar  (una ley o regla) - to trick, to deceive 
sortear  (una responsabilidad o dificultad) - to raffle, to draw lots for, to dodge, to avoid 
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