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3 Translation results for civil in Spanish

adjective | adjetivo | sustantivo

civil adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
civil; cortés

Example sentences of
civil adjective

  • They got married in a civil ceremony at city hall.
  • It was hard to be civil when I felt so angry.
  • She was barely civil to me.

Synonyms of
civil adjective

Detailed synonyms for civil adjective

Civil, polite, courteous, gallant, genteel, mannerly significan que observa las formas que exige la buena crianza.
  • Civil con frecuencia connota poco más que el evitar un comportamiento manifiestamente grosero <a civil but cool greeting>.
    antonyms: uncivil, rude
  • Polite comúnmente indica refinamiento de habla y modales, a veces con una falta de cordialidad <she always managed to be polite when talking to her ex-husband>.
    antonyms: impolite
  • Courteous indica modales caracterizados por una mayor consideración o dignidad <clerks who were unfailingly courteous to customers>.
    antonyms: discourteous
  • Gallant connota un comportamiento enérgico y bizarro y adornadas expresiones de cortesía <a gallant suitor who always held the door for her>.
  • Genteel significa calladamente elegante, de buen gusto o cortés <they lived in a more genteel era>.
  • Mannerly, un término un poco anticuado, indica mostrar buenos modales <her grandmother called him a mannerly young man>.
    antonyms: unmannerly

civil adjetivo

civil; civilian

civil sustantivo

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Related phrases for civil

Reverse translation for civil

civil  - civil, civilian 
cortés  - courteous, polite