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3 Translation results for clean in Spanish

verb | adjective | adverb

clean verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cleaned, has cleaned, is cleaning, cleans
limpiar, lavar, asear

Example sentences of
clean verb

  • The carpet needs to be cleaned.
  • They divide household duties so that she cleans and her husband cooks.
  • They cleaned the fish and cooked them on the campfire.
  • Clean your room.

clean adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
limpio; puro; intachable, sin mancha; decente; completo, absoluto

Example sentences of
clean adjective

  • This table isn't clean. There's a sticky spot where something spilled.
  • He keeps a very clean house.
  • The janitor does a good job of keeping the office clean.
  • I wiped the baby's face clean.
  • He's a clean young man.
  • Cats are very clean animals.
  • Solar power provides clean energy.

Synonyms of
clean adjective

clean adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
limpio, limpiamente

Example sentences of
clean adverb

  • Somehow, the top of the machine came clean off.
  • The nail went clean through the wall.
  • The fish were jumping clean out of the water.
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Phrasal verbs for clean

Related phrases for clean

Reverse translation for clean

limpiar  - to clean, to clean, to cleanse, to clean up, to remove defects, to clean out (in a game), to swipe, to pinch 
lavar  - to wash, to clean, to launder (money) 
asear  - to wash, to clean, to tidy up 
limpio  - clean, neat, honest, free, clear, net 
puro  - pure, plain, simple, sheer, only, just 
intachable  - irreproachable, faultless 
decente  - decent 
completo  - complete, perfect, absolute, full, detailed 
absoluto  - absolute, unconditional 
limpio  - fairly 
limpiamente  - cleanly, honestly, fairly