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4 Translation results for close in Spanish

verb | adjective | adverb | noun

close verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
closed, has closed, is closing, closes
cerrar; cerrarse; concluirse, terminar

Example sentences of
close verb

  • We had better close the windows; it looks like it's going to rain.
  • I forgot to close the gate.
  • She was having trouble closing the drawer.
  • Close the lid on the box tightly.
  • The door opened and closed so quietly that I didn't notice he had come in the room.
  • The box's lid closed with a bang.
  • Remember to close the box of cereal when you're done.
  • Please close your books and put them under your desks.
  • Close your eyes and go to sleep.
  • I closed my fists and got ready to fight.

Detailed synonyms for close verb

Close, end, conclude, finish, complete, terminate, wind up, wrap up significan traer o venir hasta un límite o punto de detención.
  • Close suele indicar que algo ha estado, de alguna manera, abierto o inacabado <closed the meeting with a joke>.
  • End conlleva un fuerte sentido de terminación o irrevocabilidad, e indica un acontecimiento que se ha llevado a cabo <ended his life>.
    antonyms: begin
  • Conclude puede indicar un cierre formal (como en el caso de una reunión) <the service concluded with a blessing>.
    antonyms: open
  • Finish puede recalcar la terminación de la última etapa de un proceso <once it's painted, the house will be finished>.
  • Complete indica la eliminación de toda deficiencia, o bien la terminación exitosa de lo que se ha emprendido <the resolving of this last issue completes the agreement>.
  • Terminate indica el fijar un límite en el tiempo o espacio <your employment terminates after three months>.
    antonyms: initiate
  • Wind up, wrap up sugieren el hacer las cosas finales necesarias antes de acabar algo <hoped to wind up the meeting by 4:00> <let's wrap up this discussion>.

close adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
restrictivo, estrecho; reservado; estricto, detallado; cargado, bochornoso (dícese del tiempo); apretado, entallado, ceñido; cercano, próximo; íntimo; fiel, exacto; reñido

Example sentences of
close adjective

  • We're not there yet, but we're getting close.
  • We stood close together to stay warm.
  • Christmas is getting closer and will soon be here.
  • Their daughters are close in age.
  • close in size and shape

Detailed synonyms for close adjective

1. Close, dense, compact, thick, crowded significan estrechamente juntado o apiñado.
  • Close se aplica a algo compuesto de elementos distintos que están o parecen estar apretados el uno contra el otro <paintings hung close together>.
    antonyms: open
  • Dense indica la compresión de partes o elementos tan estrechamente como para ser casi impenetrables <the dense growth in a tropical rain forest>.
    antonyms: sparse
  • Compact connota una unión firme y ordenada, o bien una consolidación efectiva de partes dentro de un alcance <a compact, muscular body>.
  • Thick indica una abundancia condensada y concentrada de partes o unidades <a thick head of hair>.
  • Crowded supone un área llena con demasiadas personas o cosas, o cosas apiñadas <a crowded waiting room>.
2. See: Familiar, Nearest

close adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cerca, de cerca

Example sentences of
close adverb

  • Don't drive so close to the car in front of you.
  • He told me to stay close as we walked through the crowd.
  • The time for a decision is drawing closer.
  • My teammate came in third, and I finished close behind.
  • They sat close together at the dinner table.

close noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fin, final, conclusión

Synonyms of
close noun

Detailed synonyms for close noun

See: End

Phrasal verbs for close

Related phrases for close

Reverse translation for close

cerrar  - to close, to shut, to close up, to lock up, to turn off, to close down, to bring to an end 
cerrarse  - to close, to fasten, to button up, to conclude, to end 
terminar  - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
restrictivo  - restrictive 
estrecho  - tight, narrow, close 
reservado  - reserved, reticent, confidential 
estricto  - strict, severe 
cargado  - loaded, bogged down, weighted down, close, stuffy, charged, strong 
bochornoso  (dícese del tiempo) - embarrassing, hot and muggy 
apretado  - tight, cheap, tightfisted 
ceñido  - tight, tight-fitting 
cercano  - near, close 
próximo  - near, close, next, following 
íntimo  - intimate, close, private 
fiel  - faithful, loyal, accurate 
exacto  - accurate, precise, exact, (slang) on the money 
reñido  - tough, hard-fought, at odds, on bad terms 
cerca  - close, near, nearby 
fin  - end, purpose, aim, objective 
final  - final, play-off, end, conclusion, finale 
conclusión  - conclusion 
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