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1 Translation result for cold-blooded in Spanish


cold-blooded adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
cruel, despiadado; de sangre fría (dícese de los reptiles, etc.)

Synonyms of
cold-blooded adjective

cold adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
cold adjective

  • The water was too cold for swimming.
  • The weather has been unusually cold this spring.
  • a country with a cold climate
  • It was a long, cold winter.
  • It's cold outside, but the wind makes it feel even colder.
  • It's bitterly cold out there!
  • metal that is cold to the touch
  • Are you cold? I could turn up the temperature if you'd like.
  • a bowl of cold cereal
  • He ate cold pizza for breakfast.

blooded adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
de sangre

Example sentences of
blooded adjective

  • the expansive farm on which blooded Arabian horses are raised
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Reverse translation for cold-blooded

cruel  - cruel 
despiadado  - cruel, merciless, pitiless 
de sangre fría  (dícese de los reptiles, etc.)