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1 Translation result for collecting in Spanish


collect verb

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collected, has collected, is collecting, collects
acumularse, juntarse; recopilar, reunir, recoger; coleccionar, juntar; congregarse, reunirse; cobrar (una deuda), recaudar (un impuesto); cobrar, percibir (un sueldo, etc.)

Example sentences of
collect verb

  • They hope to collect over 1,000 signatures on the petition.
  • He collected stories from all over the world.
  • They collected information about the community.
  • We collected soil samples from several areas on the site.
  • We collected our baggage from the baggage claim at the airport.
  • I left my suit at the cleaners and I have to collect it today.
  • She enjoys collecting antique teapots.
  • He has an impressive stamp collection, though he has been collecting for only a few years.
  • I took a minute to collect my thoughts.

Detailed synonyms for collect verb

See: Gather
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Reverse translation for collecting

acumularse  - to build up, to pile up, to accrue 
juntarse  - to join together, to socialize, to get together 
recopilar  - to compile, to collect 
reunir  - to unite, to join, to bring together, to round up, to have, to possess, to gather, to collect, to raise (funds) 
recoger  - to collect, to gather, to get, to retrieve, to pick up, to clean up, to tidy (up) 
coleccionar  - to collect, to keep a collection of 
juntar  - to unite, to combine, to put together, to collect, to gather together, to assemble, to close partway 
congregarse  - to congregate, to assemble 
reunirse  - to meet 
cobrar  (una deuda) - to charge, to be paid, to collect, to draw, to earn, to acquire, to gain, to recover, to retrieve, to cash (a check), to claim, to take (a life), to shoot (game), to bag 
recaudar  (un impuesto) - to collect 
cobrar  - to charge, to be paid, to collect, to draw, to earn, to acquire, to gain, to recover, to retrieve, to cash (a check), to claim, to take (a life), to shoot (game), to bag 
percibir  (un sueldo, etc.) - to perceive, to notice, to sense, to earn, to draw (a salary)