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2 Translation results for colour in Spanish

noun | verb

color noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
color; colorido

Example sentences of
color noun

  • The color of blood is red.
  • What color are your eyes?
  • What color paint shall we use?
  • Blue and green are my favorite colors.
  • The pillows are all different colors.
  • The room needs more color.
  • In early summer the garden is full of color.
  • She added color to her outfit with a bright scarf.
  • His eyes were bluish-green in color.
  • She's using a new lip color.

Detailed synonyms for color noun

Color, hue, shade, tint, tinge, cast, tone significan una propiedad correspondiente a una cosa visible que puede reconocerse en la luz, y que puede distinguirse de otras propiedades, tales como la forma, el tamaño y la textura.
  • Color es el término ordinario y genérico para esta propiedad, y se aplica particularmente a la propiedad de las cosas que aparecen a la vista como rojas, amarillas, azules, etc., a diferencia del gris, el negro o el blanco <gave the white room touches of color>.
  • Hue puede ser un sinónimo cercano de color <flowers of many hues> pero connota la gradación o modificación de los colores <the many green hues of spring>.
  • Shade indica más a menudo la gradación de un color o tono según su claridad o brillantez <use a paler shade of blue for the curtains>.
  • Tint suele aplicarse al color que es pálido, tenue o diluido (con blanco, por ejemplo) <the rose tints of the evening sky>.
  • Tinge se aplica particularmente a un color que modifica otro color al mezclarse con él o al recubrirlo <embarrassment brought a tinge of red to her pale cheeks>.
  • Cast connota el añadir un poco de un color a otro color existente <a greenish cast to his skin>.
  • Tone significa un color que cambia notablemente a otro <gray with a blue tone>.

color verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
colored, has colored, is coloring, colors
colorear, pintar; sonrojarse, ruborizarse; influir en, influenciar

Example sentences of
color verb

  • We colored the water with red ink.
  • The children were busy coloring in their coloring books.
  • My nephew colored a picture for me.
  • The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.

Synonyms of
color verb

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Reverse translation for colour

color  - color, paint, dye 
colorido  - color, coloring 
colorear  - to color, to redden, to ripen 
pintar  - to paint, to paint, to draw, to draw, to mark, to look, to describe, to depict, to count 
sonrojarse  - to blush 
ruborizarse  - to blush 
influenciar  - to influence