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2 Translation results for comfort in Spanish

noun | verb

comfort noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
consuelo; confort, bienestar; comodidad

Example sentences of
comfort noun

  • These boots provide warmth and comfort in the coldest temperatures.
  • The car's seats are designed for comfort.
  • The suites combine comfort with convenience.
  • The drug gave some comfort to the patient.
  • I found a cozy chair where I could read in comfort.
  • He turned to her for comfort and support when he lost his job.
  • They were great comforts to each other during that difficult time.

Synonyms of
comfort noun

comfort verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
comforted, has comforted, is comforting, comforts
confortar, alentar; consolar

Example sentences of
comfort verb

  • Our family was comforted by the outpouring of support from the community.
  • We can comfort ourselves with the thought that the worst is over.

Synonyms of
comfort verb

Detailed synonyms for comfort verb

Comfort, console, solace, cheer up significan dar o brindar ayuda para aliviar el sufrimiento o el pesar.
  • Comfort indica el dar alegría, fuerza o ánimo, así como el aliviar dolor <a message intended to comfort the grieving family>.
    antonyms: afflict, bother
  • Console pone énfasis en el alivio de la pena o de la sensación de pérdida <consoled herself by remembering the good times>.
  • Solace connota el levantar los ánimos, sobre todo de uno afligido por la soledad o el aburrimiento, o por el dolor o la pena <solaced himself by reading books and writing poetry>.
  • Cheer up indica el hacer a alguien esperanzado o feliz <we tried our best to cheer her up>.
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Related phrases for comfort

Reverse translation for comfort

consuelo  - consolation, comfort 
confort  - comfort 
bienestar  - welfare, well-being, comfort 
comodidad  - comfort, convenience 
confortar  - to comfort, to console 
alentar  - to breathe, to encourage, to inspire 
consolar  - to console, to comfort