Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for constituents in Spanish


constituent noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
componente; elector, -tora; votante

Example sentences of
constituent noun

  • She's pledged to help her elderly constituents.
  • Many senators have received calls from constituents who want them to vote in favor of the law.
  • the chemical constituents of the liquid
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un voter y constituent?
  • Constituents son votantes que viven en un distrito electoral particular. Ellos solo pueden votar por candidatos de su distrito. En EE.UU., Gran Bretaña y otros países con un sistema electoral similar, los miembros del parlamento o congreso representan a los votantes y dan atención especial a su opinión porque dependen de sus votos si quieren ser reelectos.

Detailed synonyms for constituent noun

See: Element

Reverse translation for constituents

elector  - elector, voter 
votante  - voter 
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