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1 Translation result for contort in Spanish


contort verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
contorted, has contorted, is contorting, contorts
contraerse, demudarse; torcer, retorcer, contraer (el rostro)

Example sentences of
contort verb

  • His body contorted with pain.
  • The boy contorted his body to squeeze through the gate.
  • Her face was contorted with rage.

Synonyms of
contort verb

Detailed synonyms for contort verb

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Reverse translation for contort

contraerse  - to contract, to tighten up 
demudarse  - to change one's expression 
torcer  - to bend, to twist, to turn, to sprain, to turn (a corner), to wring, to wring out, to distort 
retorcer  - to twist, to wring 
contraer  (el rostro) - to contract (a disease), to establish by contract, to tighten, to contract