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2 Translation results for cramp in Spanish

noun | verb

cramp noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
calambre, espasmo (de los musculos)

Example sentences of
cramp noun

  • I got a cramp in my leg while running.

Synonyms of
cramp noun

cramp verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cramped, has cramped, is cramping, cramps
dar calambre en; limitar, restringir, entorpecer

Example sentences of
cramp verb

  • Writing for such a long time may cramp your hand.
  • His leg was cramping so badly he could hardly move it.
  • The new regulations may cramp the company's financial growth.

Synonyms of
cramp verb

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Phrasal verbs for cramp

Reverse translation for cramp

calambre  - cramp, (informal) charley horse, electric shock, jolt 
espasmo  (de los musculos) - spasm 
limitar  - to limit, to restrict 
restringir  - to restrict, to limit 
entorpecer  - to hinder, to obstruct, to dull