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1 Translation result for critical in Spanish


critical adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
critical adjective

  • The program presents a critical analysis of the government's strategies.
  • She has a talent for critical thinking.
  • We need to look at these proposed changes with a critical eye before we accept them.

Detailed synonyms for critical adjective

1. Critical, hypercritical, faultfinding, captious, carping, censorious significan que tiene tendencia a buscar y señalar las faltas y defectos.
  • Critical puede indicar un esfuerzo para ver algo claramente, tal y como aparece, con el fin de evaluarlo justamente <a critical essay on modern drama>.
    antonyms: uncritical
  • Hypercritical connota una tendencia a perder la objetividad y a juzgar según pautas excesivamente estrictas <the kind of hypercritical father who ends up wrecking his children's lives>.
  • Faultfinding indica un criticismo caracterizado por la pequeñez, la nimiedad o la mala información, y un temperamento quejoso o exigente <a faultfinding theater reviewer>.
  • Captious connota el estar dispuesto a detectar faltas insignificantes o a poner objeciones por motivos insignificantes <no fault is too small for this captious critic to overlook>. ant appreciative
  • Carping indica una busca de faltas perversa y maliciosa <the carping tone she always used when talking to her son>.
  • Censorious indica la disposición a ser severamente crítico y condenatorio <the censorious tone of the pope's message>.
2. See: Acute
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Reverse translation for critical

crítico  - critical