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merriam webster

2 Translation results for crunches in Spanish

noun | verb

crunch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
crunch noun

  • the crunch of someone eating a carrot
  • We could hear the crunch of the truck's tires on the gravel road.
  • The crunch came when the computer stopped working.

crunch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
crunched, has crunched, is crunching, crunches
crujir; ronzar (con los dientes); hacer crujir (con los pies, etc.)

Example sentences of
crunch verb

  • We could hear the truck's tires crunching along the gravel road.
  • When she crunched the numbers, she found that the business's profits were actually much lower than the company had said.

Reverse translation for crunches

crujido  - rustling, creaking, crackling (of a fire), crunching 
crujir  - to rustle, to creak, to crack, to crunch 
ronzar  (con los dientes) - to munch, to crunch 
hacer crujir  (con los pies, etc.)