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merriam webster

2 Translation results for curve in Spanish

noun | verb

curve noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
curve noun

  • The dog's tail has a slight curve.
  • There is a sharp curve coming up in the road.
  • the price curve in relation to inflation

curve verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
curved, has curved, is curving, curves
encorvar; torcerse, describir una curva

Example sentences of
curve verb

  • The tail curves over the dog's back.
  • The road curves to the left.
  • The fence curves in toward the side of the house.
  • The railing curves out near the observation platform.

Synonyms of
curve verb

Detailed synonyms for curve verb

Curve, bend, turn significan virar o hacer virar, de una línea recta o un curso rectilíneo.
  • Curve indica seguir o producir una línea en forma similar al arco de un círculo o una elipse <the road curves sharply to the left>.
  • Bend connota ceder a una fuerza e indica una distorsión de la rectitud anticipada, normal o deseada <metal rods bend under the immense weight>.
    antonyms: straighten
  • Turn indica un cambio de dirección efectuado esencialmente por una rotación, y no normalmente como resultado de fuerza o presión <the comet will turn toward the earth>.
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Reverse translation for curve

curva  - curve, bend 
encorvar  - to bend, to curve