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3 Translation results for daily in Spanish

adjective | noun | adverb

daily adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
diario, cotidiano

Example sentences of
daily adjective

  • It has changed every aspect of daily life.
  • I started eating healthier and added exercise to my daily routine.
  • There's not enough water to meet the daily needs of the city's people.
  • She reads the daily paper each morning.
  • daily activities such as eating breakfast and washing your face
  • Their average daily wage is only five dollars.
  • She had been taking more than the recommended daily dose of the medicine.

Synonyms of
daily adjective

Detailed synonyms for daily adjective

Daily, diurnal, circadian, everyday, day-to-day significan de cada día o de todos los días.
  • Daily se usa en referencia a los asuntos ordinarios del día y puede referirse a días entre semana en contraste con días festivos o fines de semana, y puede asimismo indicar una oposición a nightly <the daily struggle for existence>.
  • Diurnal se usa en contraste con nocturnal y ocurre primordialmente en contextos poéticos o técnicos <diurnal mammals such as squirrels>.
  • Circadian, un término primordialmente técnico, difiere de daily o quotidian en indicar sólo un equivalente aproximado a la jornada de veinticuatro horas <circadian rhythms in insect behavior>.
  • Everyday connota algo encontrado rutinariamente o en uso normal y ordinario <everyday clothes>.
  • Day-to-day describe algo hecho o sufrido cada día <her day-to-day management duties>.

daily noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
diario, periódico

Example sentences of
daily noun

  • the city's two largest dailies
  • hired a daily to come in each morning to cook and clean

daily adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
a diario, diariamente

Reverse translation for daily

diario  - daily, everyday 
cotidiano  - daily, everyday 
diario  - diary, newspaper 
periódico  - newspaper 
diariamente  - every day, daily, on a daily basis 
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