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2 Translation results for daydreams in Spanish

noun | verb

daydream noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ensueño, ensoñación, fantasía

Example sentences of
daydream noun

  • I drifted off in a daydream during the class.
  • hoped that one day world peace would be a reality and not just a daydream

daydream verb

unfavorite favorite
daydreamed, has daydreamed, is daydreaming, daydreams
soñar despierto, fantasear

Example sentences of
daydream verb

  • Instead of studying, he spent the afternoon daydreaming about his vacation.

Reverse translation for daydreams

ensueño  - daydream, revery, illusion, fantasy 
ensoñación  - fantasy 
fantasía  - fantasy, imagination 
fantasear  - to fantasize, to daydream 
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