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1 Translation result for decry in Spanish


decry verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
decried, has decried, is decrying, decries
censurar, criticar

Example sentences of
decry verb

  • In her article, she decries the pollution of the environment by manufacturers.
  • Violence on television is generally decried as harmful to children.

Detailed synonyms for decry verb

Decry, depreciate, disparage, belittle, minimize, discount, put down, denigrate, deprecate significan expresar una mala opinión acerca de algo.
  • Decry indica una condena manifiesta con el fin de desprestigiar <decried their laziness>.
    antonyms: extol
  • Depreciate indica el representar una cosa como si tuviera menos valor de lo que comúnmente se supone <critics depreciate his plays for their sentimentality>.
    antonyms: appreciate
  • Disparage indica un menosprecio por medios indirectos tales como el desaire o la comparación injusta <disparaged golf as recreation for middle-aged businessmen>.
    antonyms: applaud
  • Belittle connota una actitud desdeñosa y un intento de hacer que algo se vea más pequeño de lo que es <always belittling the achievements of others>.
    antonyms: magnify
  • Minimize connota un intento de hacer que algo se vea lo más pequeño posible <they minimized the danger involved>.
    antonyms: magnify
  • Discount sugiere pensar en algo como si tuviera poca importancia o valor <you shouldn't discount the effect of these speeches>.
  • Put down es un sinónimo informal para disparage <she was always putting down her teachers>.
  • Denigrate, deprecate indican minimizar <denigrating the achievements of women> <always deprecating his own talents> o difamar a alguien <the candidates denigrated each other throughout the campaign> <deprecated her rivals>.
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Reverse translation for decry

censurar  - to censor, to censure, to criticize 
criticar  - to criticize