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1 Translation result for defacing in Spanish


deface verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
defaced, has defaced, is defacing, defaces
word of the day image
A building that has been defaced

Example sentences of
deface verb

  • The building was defaced with graffiti.
  • He was fined for defacing public property.

Synonyms of
deface verb

Detailed synonyms for deface verb

Deface, disfigure, mar, mutilate significan estropear la apariencia de una persona o cosa.
  • Deface se aplica normalmente a objetos inanimados e indica un daño que afecta la apariencia superficial <defaced the building with graffiti>.
  • Disfigure indica un daño más profundo o permanente a la superficie, y que impacta de manera permanente el atractivo o la belleza de la persona o cosa afectada <a face disfigured by scars>.
    antonyms: adorn
  • Mar connota dañar la belleza o buena condición de algo <its shiny surface was marred by a long scratch>.
  • Mutilate denota el causar daño severo, especialmente por medio de cortes <someone had mutilated the painting with a knife>.

Reverse translation for defacing

desfigurar  - to disfigure, to mar, to distort, to misrepresent 
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