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1 Translation result for depletes in Spanish


deplete verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
depleted, has depleted, is depleting, depletes
agotar; reducir
word of the day image
Watching videos depletes the phone's battery.

Example sentences of
deplete verb

  • Activities such as logging and mining deplete our natural resources.
  • We completely depleted our life savings when we bought our new house.

Detailed synonyms for deplete verb

Deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, bankrupt, use up, sap significan privar de algo esencial para la existencia o potencia.
  • Deplete indica una reducción en número o cantidad, y el daño potencial o real, causado por tal reducción <depleting our natural resources>.
    antonyms: renew, replace
  • Drain indica retirar gradualmente, y por último privar completamente, de lo que es necesario para la existencia y funcionamiento de una cosa <taking care of her mother had drained her of energy>.
  • Exhaust recalca un vaciamiento o consumo total <their supplies had been exhausted>.
  • Impoverish connota la privación de algo que es esencial para un bienestar activo <without the arts we would lead an impoverished existence>.
    antonyms: enrich
  • Bankrupt connota un empobrecimiento al grado de llegar a una ruina inminente <war had bankrupted the nation>.
  • Use up connota hacer uso completo de algo <you've used up all the milk>.
  • Sap sugiere debilitar por medio del uso lento del abasto de algo <gradually sapped her strength>.
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Reverse translation for depletes

agotar  - to exhaust, to use up, to weary, to wear out, to sell out, to run out 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down