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merriam webster

1 Translation result for dimmed in Spanish


dim verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
dimmed, has dimmed, is dimming, dims
atenuar (la luz), nublar (la vista), borrar (la memoria), opacar (una superficie); oscurecerse, apagarse
word of the day image
When the lights are dimmed, the movie is about to start.

Example sentences of
dim verb

  • The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement.
  • Hopes of an early settlement have dimmed.

Reverse translation for dimmed

atenuar  (la luz) - to extenuate, to mitigate, to dim (light), to tone down (colors), to minimize, to lessen 
nublar  (la vista) - to cloud, to obscure 
borrar  (la memoria) - to erase, to blot out 
opacar  (una superficie) - to make opaque or dull, to outshine, to overshadow 
oscurecerse  - to darken, to dim 
apagarse  - to go out, to fade, to wane, to die down 
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