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2 Translation results for discredit in Spanish

verb | noun

discredit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
discredited, has discredited, is discrediting, discredits
no creer, dudar; desacreditar, desprestigiar, poner en duda

Example sentences of
discredit verb

  • The prosecution discredited the witness by showing that she had lied in the past.
  • Many of his theories have been thoroughly discredited.
  • an attempt to discredit the governor

Synonyms of
discredit verb

discredit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
descrédito, desprestigio; duda

Example sentences of
discredit noun

  • to his everlasting discredit, the coach was found to have placed bets against his own team

Detailed synonyms for discredit noun

See: Disgrace
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Reverse translation for discredit

dudar  - to doubt 
desacreditar  - to discredit, to disgrace 
desprestigiar  - to discredit, to disgrace 
descrédito  - discredit 
desprestigio  - discredit, disrepute 
duda  - doubt