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1 Translation result for distinct in Spanish


distinct adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
distinto, diferente; marcado, claro, evidente

Example sentences of
distinct adjective

  • There are three distinct categories.
  • Each herb has its own distinct flavor.
  • The phrase has three distinct meanings.
  • There was the distinct smell of something burning.
  • The outline became less and less distinct as the light faded.
  • We had the distinct impression that they were lying.

Detailed synonyms for distinct adjective

1. Distinct, separate, discrete significan no ser iguales todos y cada uno.
  • Distinct indica que algo se percibe mental o visualmente como siendo aparte o diferente de otros <each bowl is hand-painted and distinct>.
    antonyms: indistinguishable
  • Separate suele recalcar la falta de conexión en el tiempo o el espacio, o una diferencia de identidad, entre las cosas en cuestión <this subject requires a separate memo>.
  • Discrete pone mucho énfasis en la individualidad y en la falta de conexión material a pesar de una similitud o continuidad aparente <two discrete issues are being confused here>.
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Reverse translation for distinct

distinto  - different, distinct, clear, evident 
diferente  - different 
marcado  - marked 
claro  - bright, clear, pale, fair, light, clear, evident 
evidente  - evident, obvious, clear