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1 Translation result for doubled in Spanish


double verb

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doubled, has doubled, is doubling, doubles
doblar, duplicar (una cantidad), redoblar (esfuerzos); doblarse, duplicarse; plegar

Example sentences of
double verb

  • We all doubled over laughing.
  • He doubled up in pain.

Synonyms of
double verb

Reverse translation for doubled

doblar  - to double, to turn, to toll, to ring, to fold, to bend, to turn, to dub 
duplicar  (una cantidad) - to double, to duplicate, to copy, to replicate 
redoblar  (esfuerzos) - to redouble, to strengthen 
doblarse  - to fold up, to double over, to give in, to yield 
plegar  - to fold, to bend 
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