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1 Translation result for duped in Spanish


dupe verb

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duped, has duped, is duping, dupes
engañar, embaucar

Example sentences of
dupe verb

  • We were duped into thinking the dummy was a real alien.
  • They duped her out of $300.

Synonyms of
dupe verb

Detailed synonyms for dupe verb

Dupe, trick, hoax, bamboozle, hoodwink significan engañar, con métodos poco limpios, con el objeto de lograr uno sus propios fines.
  • Dupe connota una falta de malicia por parte de la persona engañada <duped them into buying a worthless piece of land>.
  • Trick indica un intento, no necesariamente malicioso, de engañar mediante una artimaña o un fraude <tricked by his kids into taking them to a movie>.
  • Hoax indica el idear un fraude complicado con el fin de engañar <hoaxed the public with his radio broadcast about an invasion from Mars>.
  • Bamboozle, hoodwink son términos informales que significan engañar, timar o confundir a alguien <bamboozled by his business partner> <claimed the mayor was hoodwinking the public>.
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Reverse translation for duped

engañar  - to trick, to deceive, to mislead, to delude, to cheat on, to be unfaithful to 
embaucar  - to trick, to swindle