Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for echarse in English

verbo | verbo

echarse verbo

to throw oneself; to lie down; to put on

echar verbo

to start off; to throw, to cast, to hurl; to throw out, to expel; to emit, give off; to sprout, to put forth; to fire, to dismiss; to put in, to add

Reverse translation for echarse

to lie down  - acostarse, echarse 
to throw  - tirar, lanzar, echar, arrojar, aventar, desmontar (a un jinete), proyectar 
to cast  - tirar, echar, arrojar, depositar (un voto), asignar (papeles en una obra de teatro), moldear, fundir, vaciar 
to hurl  - arrojar, tirar, lanzar 
to throw out  - botar, tirar (en la basura) 
to expel  - expulsar, expeler 
to emit  - emitir, despedir, producir 
give off  - despedir, largar 
to sprout  - brotar 
to fire  - encender, animar, avivar, despedir (de un trabajo), disparar, cocer (cerámica) 
to dismiss  - dejar salir, darle permiso (a alguien) para retirarse, despedir, destituir, descartar, desechar, rechazar 
to add  - añadir, agregar, sumar (en total), sumar 
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