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merriam webster

1 Translation result for ecstasy in Spanish


ecstasy noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
ecstasy noun

  • His performance sent the audience into ecstasies.
  • actors are typically in ecstasy upon winning an Oscar

Synonyms of
ecstasy noun

Detailed synonyms for ecstasy noun

Ecstasy, rapture, elation, euphoria significan gran exaltación mental o emocional.
  • Ecstasy puede aplicarse a cualquier emoción fuerte (como júbilo, temor, rabia o adoración) que puede embelesar <during the show's final musical number, the audience was in ecstasy>.
    antonyms: depression
  • Rapture indica una intensa dicha o deleite <the bride stood in quiet rapture through the entire wedding>.
  • Elation indica estar muy contento y emocionado <her elation at being chosen for the job>.
  • Euphoria sugiere un fuerte y frecuentemente amplio sentimiento de alegría y emoción <the initial euphoria following their victory in the election>.

Reverse translation for ecstasy

éxtasis  - ecstasy, rapture